I am not ashamed to admit that prior to trying this beer, I was under the impression that Unibroue's brewery was located in Belgium. Why should I be? Their Belgian-style ales (Fin du Monde, etc.) are so good that I would imagine it's a common mistake. In fact, the brewery is located in Quebec, which doesn't seem too out of place given the French-influenced culture native to Quebec.
I also admit I bought this bottle strictly based on the name, label, and familiarity with the brewery - the name literally means "Damned" and the bottle features a demon below what looks like a canoe rowing down to hell... how could I not try this? Regardless, it was a good choice. The beer is apparently "refermented on yeast in the bottle," which I'm guessing means they add extra yeasts during bottling to continue fermentation when you drink it. It is a strong, brown, and cloudy beer with a delicious spiced aroma, and wonderful citrus-spice flavors that are characteristic of this type of Belgian ale. I also noted that the finish left kind of a tart apple flavor, which was very enjoyable. I highly recommend this, and based on Unibroue's track record in my book, I'm looking forward to trying more of their beers.
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